If you ask a camper why they love coming to camp, we can almost guarantee that the answer will be some form of “Because it’s fun!” If you ask a FC staffer why they love working at camp, the answer might mention something about fun, but it will certainly mention a desire to share the Gospel with kids. Frontier Camp exists because we have a passion for sharing Christ, encouraging campers in their faith, and teaching solid Biblical principles in a fun and campy way. Because of that, the spiritual program is woven into our entire day at camp. It takes place during the unscheduled times, like when counselors and campers are hanging out in the meal line or walking to the dining hall or just sitting on the benches near the athletic field. It is lived by the staff who all strive to meet the highest standards “in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity," (I Timothy 4:12) knowing that the campers look up to them as examples of Christ. And it is taught through the scheduled times as well, through fun events like Mystery Prophets, Bible Exploration Time, and Memory Verses, and more serious events like the nightly Campfires and Cabin Devotions. During their week at camp, each child will hear a clear, unpressured presentation of the Gospel, explaining that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), Jesus came to save us from our sin (1 Timothy 1:15), and all we have to do to be saved is trust Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Our desire is to show each and every camper the unconditional love of Christ, and we pray that they may come to know Him and grow in their walk with Him here at camp.

After lunch and rest time, the campers gather in the Chapel for a time of worship with lots of jumping and singing and crazy hand motions led by the awesome FC band, followed by Sword Drills. This is a game where the campers race to look up Bible verses to earn points for their team (and learn how to navigate their Bibles.) Then it’s time for Bible Drama, a skit performed by FC staff that pairs a funny story with a passage from the Old Testament and then present a Big Idea and application that the kids can remember throughout the day.

There is no better way to end a day at camp than with evening worship in the Chapel or at the lake amphitheater. The whole camp gathers together to praise the Lord with timeless favorites like “Light the Fire” and “Sanctuary” led by the FC worship team. Following worship, the campers and staff listen to a message from God’s Word taught by one of the full time or leadership staff.

Each morning, we start off the day with a short Bible teaching from the Mystery Prophets. This hilarious duo performs a funny skit that highlights a Biblical principle and then explains an Old Testament Bible Story to the kids. They finish with an application or verse for the day before racing off into the sunset … er, sunrise …

The final moments of the day are spent in the cabins with counselor led devotions. This is a much cozier and more informal time than the other teaching sessions as counselors are able to tailor topics and discussion to individual needs. Cabin devotions are the hands and feet of Frontier Camp’s spiritual program, the moment when the larger Biblical truths and principles taught in the dramas, campfires, and worship times can be understood, explained, and put into practice. This is where the deepest needs are revealed, difficult questions surface, and the most valuable mentoring takes place.

Each child is encouraged to participate in the Memory verse program during their week at camp. Verses are selected around the passage that is studied during Bible Drama and can be memorized daily to earn cabin points. The winning cabin receives a white lanyard pin for each camper. Our goal, however, is to encourage the campers to commit these verses to long-term memory, so campers who can still recite all of the verses on Friday can earn additional pins.

During their time at camp, campers are immersed in God’s Word and encouraged to study it on their own, but it can be hard to maintain those habits once the week is over. That’s why we offer the Recharge program. Following their camp week, each camper will receive a Bible study lesson in the mail. If they choose to complete it and send in the question part of the lesson, we will send the next one along with an encouraging note from our Recharge Coordinator. Over the years, we have found that this is a great way for campers to develop a daily quiet time and continue growing in their relationship with the Lord.