Are you ready for a laugh this Christmas? Then feast your eyes on this Frontier Camp version of “T’was the Night Before Christmas” straight from the witty pen of our own Executive Director, Matt Raines. I can guarantee you’ll chuckle and maybe even give way to a hearty “ho ho ho” before the end…
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Frontier Not a creature was stirring, not even a deer. The cables were hung across Lake Mav with care, In hopes that teenagers soon would be there.
The campers were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of trading post danced in their heads. Mr. Hans in the office, and I up too late, Had just settled down for a long parent update.
When out in the field there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the office to see what was the matter. Away in the golf cart I flew like a flash, Spilled my slushee and made a mad dash.
The moon on the face of the tall, stately pine Gave the luster of mid-day to objects so fine. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a Counselor, and eight tiny campers so near.
With a mischievous leader, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be a trick. More rapid than rodeo horses they came, He whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
“Now Billy! now, Tommy! now, Hudson and Trent! On, Chris! On, David! on Connor and Brent! To the top of the porch! Lift your pillows, don’t fall! Now dash away! There’s Mr. Matt! Dash away all!
As balloons in lake games on the launcher do fly, When they meet with a Director, boy aren’t they sly? So behind the cabin the campers they flew, With their hands full of silly string, and that Jr. Counselor too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the road The huffing and puffing of one in fun mode. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the road Mr. Hans came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, His laugh let me know this prank was far from caput. A bundle of pillows he had flung on his back, And he looked like a gorilla, ready for attack.
His eyes-how they twinkled! His intention how merry! His targets like ducks, not a one was wary! He let out a roar and swung like an axe, And his aim was true and he got in his hacks.
The hunters turned hunted, screamed with no sound, And oh when they saw him how they did bound. He had a broad face and a pillow-stuffed belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!
The counselor soon realized it wasn’t an ape, Slowed down and adjusted his sheet turned cape! A wink of his eye and a return to full height, Soon they all headed back to salvage the fight.
Mr. Hans spoke not a word, but took off his mask. The counselor looked pale, then turned from his task, And sped up the trail with the campers close by, That monkey doubled over with laughter oh my!
Then he sprang to his bike, and rode down the path, And away the campers flew as if avoiding a bath. But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight, “Happy Camping to all, and to all a good-night!”
