Why is Frontier Camp the Best Christian Summer Camp Ever?
I love my job directing the summer camp program at Frontier camp, and I am passionate about our mission of “Making disciples of Jesus by sharing God’s word in His creation.” Our campers will tell you that we are the best summer camp because Frontier Camp is all about FAITH, FUN, and FRIENDS!

FRIENDS Whether coming by yourself, or with a friend, Frontier Camp is big enough to be really exciting, but small enough to develop meaningful relationships with lifelong impacts. We host around 168 Junior Campers (ages 7-12) and 84 Teen Campers (ages 13-17) a week. All week long we emphasize learning to be a good friend by serving others, being trustworthy, and treating others as you want to be treated. Camp is a great place for your child to develop a healthy confidence and independence.
Another great part of camp is the friendships your campers develop with our staff. The power of Christian camping is in the role-models that our staff provides for your camper. We hand-pick college and high-school aged believers that have an authentic visible walk with Jesus Christ, and have a love and an aptitude for investing in the lives of kids. We extensively screen, train and supervise our staff using the highest child protection standards in the industry. The safety of your child is always a priority at Frontier Camp.

FUN We provide outdoor fun that you can’t beat, especially not sitting inside in front of a screen! The camp schedule is action-packed with activities individualized for each camper. That means campers get to choose their own adventure! We offer many traditional camp activities like archery, crafts, and ropes course. We also specialize in waterfront activities like wakeboarding, waterskiing, and kayaking. Horses are a big deal at Frontier Camp, and we feature a camper rodeo every week. Other activities include swimming, riding the water weenie or tube, fossil hunts, laser tag, whiffle ball, pitball (gaga), and dodgeball. Evening events include group games, outdoor cookouts, hayrides, night games for Teen Campers, and our “world-famous shaving cream slide” for Junior Campers! Frontier Camp offers the absolute best value in Christian camping when it comes to having FUN!

FAITH We want all our campers to experience the supernatural love of Jesus Christ in an unpressured way, and to develop a passion for pursing Him by delving into His Word. We start the morning off with a spiritual emphasis and that continues on throughout the day. We have a “jamin” worship time inside during the heat of the afternoon, followed by seminars for topics relevant to Teen Campers and a Junior Camper favorite – the Bible Drama! In the evenings, each camp gathers around a campfire for a time of worship followed by an engaging campfire message from the Bible. Finally, our staffers share their love for Jesus Christ with the campers both in word and in deed. They lead nightly bedtime cabin devotions throughout the week, and they live out a mature and enthusiastic faith in front of your camper. We want campers to leave Frontier Camp having deepened their relationship with God in FAITH!
If you have any questions about Frontier Camp, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I love giving personal tours of camp so you can check us out first hand – just call us to set up a convenient time to visit our campuses. We look forward to having your camper here this summer!

P.S. Our campers will tell you that we are not just about FAITH, FUN, and FRIENDS, we are also about FOOD! Our food brings rave reviews – just ask a veteran camper or staffer!