Greetings from balmy Tse Guinea!
The Haiti 10 team had an extremely efficient packing party at the Monson’s home yesterday afternoon. We were fed a wonderful meal by Greg and Karin before retiring early. This morning started for us at 2:30 am as our flight departed at 5:20. The ninety degree, sunny weather that greeted us when we stepped off of the plane in Cap Haitien today more than made up for the grueling start. We quickly shed layers and began the always-exciting task of collecting baggage and getting through customs with minimal damage. Within minutes, we realized one of our very important bags containing most of the radio equipment was missing. At the same time, officials were attempting to exact an exorbitant import tariff, which is not unusual, but stressful nevertheless. Your prayers and God’s control brought us through this situation with minimal financial strain, and as we were about to leave on the tap tap without the missing bag, it was suddenly discovered inside the airport in a side room. Interesting thing is, the bag was hurried out to us without going through customs. We think the Lord supernaturally shielded the one bag that would have been most problematic, incurring the most cost coming into the country. God is already taking good care of us!
Arriving at Jacob’s Well is always a treat, and this year was the same. We enjoyed a quick lunch of spicy sandwiches, and unpacked our community bags, again in record time. We got a brief camp tour and instructions on sterilizing water before walking to the village to greet the children. It’s amazing how quickly they have grown and matured. We are anxious to see them here at day camp in a few days.
We began a study of the book of Ezra before dinner tonight, focusing on an overview and timeline of what Hans will be teaching this week during our staff devotion time. Dinner was amazing with chicken and rice, smothered in a magical sauce that we could eat every night! Dessert was. . . yes, peanut butter and guava jelly pie. So good!!
The team is showering and turning in early now. We are all pretty beat, and tomorrow includes a very full day of site preparation, Haitian staff training, and getting ready for day campers Thursday through Saturday. Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your love for our team. We couldn’t do this without you, and we thank God for each one of you.
Bon Nwit (Good night),
Haiti 10 Team
