The team gathered for coffee at the pavilion at 5:00 AM, then loaded up the tap tap, and headed off to see the Citadel, a massive fortress built on top of a mountain overlooking the Cap Haitian bay. We were able to drive the tap tap most of the way up to the Citadel and then got a good workout hiking up the rest of the way. A few of the team members hired out horses with fun names like “Four by Four” and “Mesi Bondye” (Creole for “Thank you, God”) and rode up to the Citadel.
The team enjoyed exploring the fortress, taking pictures with a great view of the countryside in the background, and participating in an impromptu worship service in one of the courtyards. Hans and Matt read Psalms 15 & 16 and Isaiah 41, and we sang the Doxology inside the Citadel.
After making it back to camp, we had a delicious lunch of spaghetti and soup, and then a portion of the team loaded back onto the tap tap for a trip to the beach. We made it back to camp in time for an awesome dinner of rice and beans with meat sauce, coleslaw, fried plantains, and a “going home” chocolate cake. Alicia always makes sure that we are fed well.
Finished out the day with a time of group worship and are heading to bed early tonight to prep for a busy travel day tomorrow. We are excited to be coming home to see all of our friends and family, and yet everyone is sad to be leaving Haiti, the people of Ti Guinea, and the work here at Jacob’s Well.
During this trip, more so than during any other, I have seen the beauty of the Lord’s work amidst the brokenness here in Haiti and seen how it mirrors the work of the Lord in the brokenness of our own hearts. While the team is heading home and preparing to settle into our normal lives, the village of Ti Guinea remains, the work of Jacob’s Well continues, and the church is growing in the Lord, so please continue to pray for Haiti and the work here even after we are back.
Bon nwit!