Bon Swa from Jacob’s Well in Haiti!
We had an full, but relatively uneventful trip to Jacob’s Well outside of Limbe in Northern Haiti today. The day started early with all groups of team members meeting at the airport at 6:40 (The team was divided into four host homes last night). Fortunately, American Airlines accommodated us as a group, and it only took us an hour to clear security. A quick flight to Miami was followed by an even quicker “layover” which ended up being avery brisk walk from one end of the terminal to the other. A nice, new AIRBUS 319 took us safely across the ocean to an uneventful landing and a relatively smooth collection of all 34 checked suitcases and clearing of customs. We ended up paying a “customs fee” of $120.00 US for the privilege of bringing all our gear into the country. 😉
After an exciting open air ride in a very crowded tap tap due to the size of our team, we arrived at Jacob’s Wells gates about 5:00 p.m. We had just enough time to move into our cabins before a delicious dinner of Haitian lasagna and slaw was served. This was a wonderful treat after a day of airline snacks and bagged lunches! We are looking forward to a full week of Alicia’s delectable cooking.
We spent quite a bit of time getting organized after dinner and then paused to have a team devotion. Hans will be teaching on the life of David, a man after God’s own heart as seen in I Samuel 15 – 20. Tonight we looked at Saul’s disobedience in contrast to David’s character traits of humility and integrity.
We are looking forward to a full night of sleep and a busy, full day of camp and VBS prep tomorrow. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We could not be here on this mission without each one of you.
Bon Nwit!
Haiti 11 Team
