Our last day in Haiti dawned bright and early. We typically spend our last day doing some team bonding, as well as finalizing work projects, cleaning up camp, and packing for our return trip. This morning, almost the whole team decided to wake up at 5:00 and brave hiking up Double Head mountain. Some of the local boys who have been helping us with work projects all week long served as our guides. They set a very fast pace, pushing and pulling to help us keep up. And they looked surprised (and amused) whenever we decided to take a breather.
The hike up Double Head is a fairly steep, challenging climb, and the final third was an extremely narrow path, overgrown by thorn bushes. But the view from the top (and the camaraderie along the way) is always worth it. We made it up and down in excellent time and afterwards enjoyed a late breakfast with the team members who had stayed behind.
After breakfast, we launched into our final work projects. Hans continued work on the solar lights, while Maris, Elizabeth R, and Amy carted security cages for the solar lights all the way up the hill to the cross. Hardin, Jan, and Virginia volunteered to help me (Gillian) locate suitcases, help Autumn return camp supplies to their original spot, and prep for packing.
Alyse, Faith, Katie, and Allie washed dishes for the team and then joined the suitcase crew. Konrad showed some of the Haitian staff how to maintain the tractor and change out oil filters. Jarvis and Jamie finished organizing the depot. Meanwhile, the rest of the team headed over to the village to host a soccer game and play with the local kids. Our soccer team consisted of Isaac, Edie, Jordan, Maggie, Noah, Amy, Brittany, and Thomas. Caleb, Fharid, and Abby hung out with the kids on the sidelines.
We gathered together again for a late lunch before loading up and heading out for team bonding at the beach. A storm began to roll in during the afternoon, resulting in a very windy beach with really large waves. By the time the team arrived, it was too late and windy to load onto boats to go out to a small island that hosts a pristine beach and a large French kiln built in the 16 or 17th century. Instead, we walked along the shoreline and collected shells. After we got back, Alicia and Sheilla spoiled us with spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner, along with okra and other vegetables, followed by a cake for desert.
We still have some packing and cleaning to do tonight, but after that, the team will be ready for an early bedtime before our flight out tomorrow. We are also looking forward to the next installment in our Joseph Bible study tonight. It has been a wonderful trip so far, and we all face the trip home with mixed feelings. On the one hand, we are very excited to see all of our friends and family again and can’t wait to share all of our trip stories with you. But on the other hand, we are sorry to leave behind our Haitian friends and family, and we look forward to a chance to see them again.
Please pray for a safe, smooth return trip for the team, and please continue praying for Jacob’s Well, the Valcin’s ministry, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ in Haiti.
Bon Nwit,
Haiti 12 Team
