Bon swa, friends!
This evening as I write, we are fellowshipping, playing games, or taking our first showers after a couple of days working in the pouring rain and mud without running water. We had a limited amount for hand washing and toilet flushing yesterday, but the cistern was not full enough for showers until today. We are blessed to have just enjoyed yet another gourmet meal, and the rain has at least temporarily stopped.
Today was very full of manual labor from fence post digging to carrying loads of supplies up the mountainside in the rain and mud. The team worked very hard in spite of hampering conditions without complaint. I think we will all sleep very well tonight.
Our hope, Lord-willing, is to conduct a play day in the village tomorrow, including a puppet show presentation of the Gospel, a craft, field games and a snack. This plan depends entirely on weather, so you all can pray!! It has deluged pretty steadily for the past 48 hours.
The team is well and in great spirits. When the fence post digging team came sliding down the mountain after a full day, there were shrieks of laughter. I thought campers were coming through the gates. Their attitudes are fantastic and so contagious. What a joy it is to work with these godly and energetic young people. They are making a difference for the Kingdom here in Haiti.
Thank you again for your continuous prayers for us. We could not be here without YOU!
Until tomorrow evening,
bon nwit,
Haiti 12 Team
