Dear friends,
It has been a very full day that began early for those who hiked Double Head. We left with our two highly competent Haitian guides at 6:00 am and reached the summit around 8:00. It is a steep climb with the last third of the incline extremely overgrown and challenging. After taking pictures from the famous photo rock and relaxing at the top, we made our steep and very slippery descent, completing the 5 1/2 mile hike at around 10:00. On our return, our hosts had a gourmet breakfast ready for us, complete with strong home grown and roasted Jacob’s Well coffee, something we are all going to miss back in the States.

After breakfast, we did some cleaning here at camp as well as some more Christmas decorating for Betty. Early this afternoon, Gersan loaded the team into the tap tap and took us to a beach to experience the beauty of the Caribbean. We swam, body surfed, ate our picnic lunch, and scoured for sea shells. We returned in the rain to a hot meal of shrimp and pasta and an amazing platter of a variety of vegetables. Did I mention that we have eaten like kings here?

We are pleased to report and to give God the glory for our suitcases we were able to recover from the airport in Cap Haitien today. We have all but one, which is currently in Nicaragua. Tonight we are unpacking and organizing the supplies we intended for this week to be used at a later time for the camping ministry here. We are thankful Jacob’s Well now has these supplies in hand and we can return with your suitcases!! For some reason, God supplied what we needed this week with the little that we arrived with and has other plans for later ministry with the remainder that we got back today. We are more than confident that His way is PERFECT.

Please pray for a good night’s sleep for us and readiness and organization for travel tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you back in Texas. We will probably smell a little stinky, so bear with us. It washes off. I promise.
Thank you again for upholding us in prayer and for the many, many tangible ways you have helped us serve the Haitians here. May God bless you!!
God bless and Bon Nwit, Haiti 13 Team