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Haiti 15, March 2020 – Tuesday Update

Writer's picture: Frontier CampFrontier Camp

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Dear friends,

Greetings from Haiti this Tuesday evening. We began the day with sunshine and blue skies and may have experienced the most beautiful day of camp seen yet at Jacob’s Well!! Thank you for your persistent prayers for us, the weather, and the program. We were blessed to serve 220 children today!! Campers rotated into new activities today to expand their horizons, and the sunny, breezy weather added to the beauty of the experience.

The Haitian team dramatized the story of Jonah, and the teaching emphasized God’s compassion and grace, not wishing any to perish, but all to come to repentance. The children sang fun Haitian camp songs and also had time to share testimonies before enjoying a delicious meal of chicken , rice and beans. The American team was able to hand out snack bags at the gate and say “au revoir” until tomorrow.

Backing up to after breakfast this morning, Gersan led the American team on a tour of Jacob’s Well’s  new multi-acre garden that includes pineapples, bananas, peanuts, papaya, squash, and mangoes. He presented an agriculture vision of revenue for the ministry center and gave us quite the tutorial on organic and non-organic gardening. We also saw the well that Jacob’s Well is named after, the village church, and original school built for the children of Tse Guinea.

Our team Bible study has been from the book of Judges this year. Sunday night Hans introduced the wheel of the judges. We saw the painful  Israelite cycle of serving the Lord, getting comfortable and falling into sin, God disciplining through an oppressor, Israel crying out to God, God sending a deliverer and Israel repenting and returning to the Lord.  Monday night we looked at the assassination of Moabite King Eglon by Ehud, and we saw a picture of God’s serious dealing with sin. Tonight we looked at Deborah, Barak and Sisera and got a leadership charge as well as a Biblical perspective of our value in God’s eyes as His image bearers. The study of this period of the judges is extremely relevant to our current culture as Israel is  described as everyone doing what was right in his own eyes.

Please pray for continued good weather so that many children will flood through our gates again tomorrow. Keep praying for fruitful, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused ministry, and thank you for faithfully lifting us up!!

Good night (Bon Nwit),

Haiti 15 team

PS We are all well and strong!! Praise the Lord for good health and safety for the team.



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