From the Haiti Team:
Good Friday evening! We have 45 min between supper and devos, so I’m taking this opportunity to tell you about our day. We had little bits of rain off-and-on today, but it was mostly sunny and warm. Some of the guys got an early start on running the wiring for the solar panels, so by breakfast, they had already put in 1.5 hrs of work! After breakfast, work-projects were assigned (more like “volunteered for”) and everyone got to work. Running the wire is about halfway done, hoping to finish-up tomorrow… That might be a bit optimistic!
The pathways are getting sanded and it’s SO nice to be able to get around with less mud! (everything is such a mess with all the rain.) The younger kids who live at Frontier Camp collected $400 to build a Ga-Ga pit (which has been renamed “Ballon en Follie” in Haiti), so the lumber was obtained and painted today. The supply Depot is taking shape and inventory is being updated, including 8 large suitcases of medical supplies that I have been going through. (Big thanks to my friend Jodi McLain, Pedi N.P., for some medical advice and information via texting.)
Peter Marc, the Haitian who will “run” camp has had 2 meetings with the Haitian counselors who will help him. OUR job is to help THEM lead, so that they build the relationships and can mentor the youngsters that come to camp.
I must commend each of you parents for the amazing students and young adults that you have raised! It’s amazing to sit around the table after supper and get updates on each project. These kids are bright and conscientious and innovative and have endless energy and enthusiasm! They are eager to get every job done and done WELL. They are leaders, every one of them. They love the Lord and love to serve.
Oops… I almost forgot about the shortened “play-day” in the village today. There was a soccer game (football), and the younger children played hand-and-feet games with the others. The children long for these students to come and play, and they call to us as we are going about our projects, etc. But everything we’re doing is to get ready for the days of camp, so they’ll have plenty of time with us very soon. There are 172 children signed-up for camp!! We can’t wait!!
This afternoon, a pastor from one of the Hill Country Bible Churches and a parishioner came to camp (Pastor Steve Harrington and Travis.) They will be leading a revival at the church on Sunday, and are joining us in our activities until then. They got quickly inundated with camp by joining the group going to the village, and then joined us for supper and planning on coming back for evening devos, too. Still studying Saul’s life and legacy… Very good.
Everyone remains healthy and “pumped” for what’s going on here. God is doing far beyond what we dare to ask or imagine and we are thrilled to be part of it! Blessings to each of you for so generously sending us!
Until tomorrow… Love from Haiti. Oh… Pray for Elizabeth Valcin who leaves for college back in TX tomorrow. We have SO enjoyed having her here to help us and serve with us!
Love in Christ,
Mama G’eta.