From the Haiti team:
Hello, friends and prayer warriors! Well, you and God really came thru for us today! It POURED all night long, and we almost cancelled camp for today. Finally, we really started praying for a miracle, and God delivered!! We had input from weather sources that indicated some “let-up” in the rain, so went ahead with camp, even though the kids were arriving in the rain. All the campers and leaders were under tarps for the first 20 minutes, but then the rain let-up and we were able to have a GREAT day of camp! No injuries, great fun at all the activities, great food, the children were SO well-behaved, kids memorized their memory verse, Bible drama was well-done and well-received, and the Gospel was shared clearly (well, “clearly” to anyone speaking Creole!!) The children received a well-balanced and hot meal, and a snack-bag to take with them as they went home. As the kids and counselors were leaving, it started down-pouring again… And kept pouring until about 30 minutes ago.
Well, Satan wasn’t able to stop the revival from happening tonight… Despite the rain… Despite the blown-off tarps at the church… Despite the fact that Gersan had to make an emergency trip into Limbe and was late for the meeting… Despite that the FC team was POOPED and ready for bed at 5:30pm! 😉 Actually, the revival did go on LAST night, as well… People showed up and Steve preached! The Haitians are eager to hear God’s Word and learn more about having a life with Christ! We were really rocking-down-the-house with song/praise and worship tonight!! It was such a preview of Heaven, where we’ll be singing and dancing again with these same sisters and brothers! We can’t wait for you to meet our new friends there! At the end, we all made a big circle and sang Amazing Grace together, but had also sung “Here I am to Worship” together, all at the same time, but each singing in our own language! Humbling! They serve and worship the same God WE do! And there were about six new believers after tonight’s Message, too!
Supper tonight was AFTER the revival… Lasagna! We walked home in the pouring rain, through puddles well-over the tops of our sneakers (or Chacos.) It continued to pour until about 30 min ago… And now everyone is winding-down for the night… Another day of camp awaits in just a few hours.
We need you all to pray with us again for tomorrow and Wednesday… For the rain to stay away, for safety in all the activities, for continued good health of the team, and for God to change hearts and lives in the little village of Ti Guinea (near Jacob’s Well,) starting with the children who are attending camp this week. Peter Marc, the program director for camp this week, will be the new pastor of the church here, and he LOVES these people and is already impacting them for the Lord.
Until tomorrow, we thank you for your prayers, and we’ll be in touch again soon.
Good night! -Karin M.
PS… Forgot to mention that David F celebrated a birthday (#17) on Saturday, and we also celebrated with a wonderful cake for Elizabeth’s farewell to go back to TX. Tonight we said good-bye to James Hall who has been here in Haiti since November, helping the Valcins in PAP and doing lots of work here at camp. He goes back to the US tomorrow. Good night! God bless you!
