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Haiti 7, January 2012: Tuesday Update

Writer's picture: Frontier CampFrontier Camp

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Hello, dear Friends and Family, it’s Tuesday afternoon, and we just finished Day #2 of camp. As soon as the campers left, the team changed shirts (we’re wearing the same shirt for three camp days in-a-row,) and took-up the various work projects again. This is the first day we have NOT had rain, so we were very happy about that! Our toes no longer look like prunes! We woke to sunshine and humidity… Just like Texas!

We woke to sunshine this morning, and were SO happy to finally have a day without rain! Things on the clotheslines finally dried and our feet are no longer looking like prunes! Unfortunately, though, the generator ran out of fuel overnight, which made for a difficult start to the camp day…no lights, no water, no bathrooms for 220 people on camp day! (oh my!) I tried to send an emergency text message about it this morning, but the cellular network was out, too! Thankfully, there are some really smart people on this team, so between Hans, Gabe, Jack, and the camp guys, they got it working mid-morning.

We had about 170 campers today, plus the 12-15 Haitian staff/counsellors. Everyone had a great day and learned more about God’s great love for them. They all love to sing, and are enjoying all the activities that are going on… Archery, Riflery, crafts, Bible Memory, baseball, Frontier Camp “baseball”, “Steal the Bacon”, and the newest thing: “Ga-Ga.” It’s a big hit!

Thanks to Frontier Camp kids Edie Meinardus, Emma & Will Raines, and Tommy Bertram who raised $400 for the materials to build them here at Jacob’s Well. Last year their earnings bought the dinner-bell for the dining hall and this year they brought Ga-Ga to Haiti! We can’t wait for you to see pictures!

One of the best additions to camp here is the outdoor kitchen and serving area. It’s amazing to see what goes on there from about 5am until 9-10pm! Alicia and her staff are taking such good care of us, but they are making wonderful meals for the campers, especially, which is likely the only real meal some of these children will have each day. The plates were piled high with spaghetti today, with meat and sauce mixed-in, and everyone was very satisfied. The FC team does dishes after each meal, which isn’t bad when it’s just 29 of us, but 200+ at camp lunchtime takes a LONG time to finish! Thankfully, the kitchen is well-equipped for the needs here, and it is a life-saver on camp days, especially!

Since tonight is mostly clear (HOPEFULLY, since we’re seeing some dark clouds rolling in), we’re going up the mountain tonight for some singing and star-gazing. We’re very excited about that. We may try to have a campfire, too, in preparation for tomorrow’s “Royal Campfire” with the campers. Pray for that to go smoothly… Evidently last year there were dozens of campers walking around with flaming marshmallows… We don’t want that this year! :-0

More tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers! Hard to believe we’ll be home in just 3 days… For those of you picking us up at the airport, bring clothespins for your noses… You’ll want them.

Love from Haiti, Karin.



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