If you ask a camper why they love coming to camp, we can almost guarantee that the answer will be some form of “Because it’s fun!” If you ask a FC staffer why they love working at camp, the answer might mention something about fun, but it will certainly mention a desire to share the Gospel with kids and teens.
Frontier Camp exists because we have a passion for sharing Christ, encouraging campers in their faith, and teaching solid Biblical principles. Because of that, the spiritual program is woven into our entire day at camp. It takes place during the unscheduled times, like when counselors and campers are hanging out in the game room or at the cable lake. It is lived by the staff who all strive to meet the highest standards “in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity,” (I Timothy 4:12) knowing that the campers look up to them as examples of Christ. And it is taught through scheduled times such as Worship or the evening Campfire message.
During their week at camp, each child will hear a clear, unpressured presentation of the Gospel, explaining that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), Jesus came to save us from our sin (1 Timothy 1:15), and all we have to do to be saved is trust Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Our desire is to show each and every camper the unconditional love of Christ, and we pray that they may come to know Him and grow in their walk with Him here at camp.

At the end of each fun-filled day, the whole Teen Camp will gather together for an amazing time of acoustic-led worship and Bible Study at our evening campfire meeting. Usually held on the banks of our lake under the big Texas sky, we join our voices together to worship our Lord. After we sing, one of our summer staff shares the story of how Jesus Christ has saved and impacted their life. Lastly, one of our full-time staff or summer leadership staff brings a message from God’s word to the camp.

Each day, just before afternoon recreation, we all get together for an amazing time of worship led by our Teen Camp worship team. Held in the Quarry, this is a time for both high-energy and deeply moving worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. After singing, the campers go to either seminars (M/W/F) or wreck-it (Tu/Th). Seminars are a time to get campers into the Bible in fun ways and to study topics relevant to today’s teens. Wreck-it is a time for the campers to hang out with their counselors out and around camp doing counselor led recreational activities. In these times, the campers can open up to their counselors in low pressure, high visibility environments.

Every night each cabin has a cabin devotion time. The cabin devos are the most important spiritual meeting of the day. In these smaller groups, campers bond together, actively participate in Bible study with their peers and counselors, and are able to go deeper into God’s Word. Cabin devos are led by the cabin counselors who want to see each camper grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

After breakfast every morning, the campers will have an opportunity to get alone with the Lord and His Word. Each camper will receive a Teen Camp booklet for the week which will guide them in their morning devos through passages that go along with the weekly campfire series. The booklet also has the weekly memory verses, that campers are challenged to commit to memory. Our desire is that each camper would grow to love the Word of God.

During their time at camp, campers are immersed in God’s Word and encouraged to study it on their own, but it can be hard to maintain those habits once the week is over. That’s why we offer the Recharge program. Following their camp week, each camper will receive a Bible study lesson in the mail. If they choose to complete it and send in the question part of the lesson, we will send the next one along with an encouraging note from our Recharge Coordinator. Over the years, we have found that this is a great way for campers to develop a daily quiet time and continue growing in their relationship with the Lord.